Smart Communities
Smart Communities use their limited resources effectively and efficiently. They promote local action, innovation and solutions. All their Stakeholders collaborate to solve local problems whilst creating economic opportunities from within the community and improves the quality of life of its people.
Smart Communities run in an eco-friendly and sustainable way that makes their community livable, accesible and safe for all.

- Smart Schools
- Smart Organisation
- Smart Businesses
- Smart Homes & Streets
- Smart Suburbs
Smart Schools aim to be zero-waste environments, educate their learners and staff on the waste value chain, encourages projects to reduce waste entering the landfills, collaborate with local Community Based Organisations and Public Benefit Organisations to create jobs, turn waste into money and create sustainable community solutions.
Smart Schools aim to be zero-waste environments, educate their learners and staff on the waste value chain, encourages projects to reduce waste entering the landfills, collaborate with local Community Based Organisations and Public Benefit Organisations to create jobs, turn waste into money and create sustainable community solutions.
Smart Schools aim to be zero-waste environments, educate their learners and staff on the waste value chain, encourages projects to reduce waste entering the landfills, collaborate with local Community Based Organisations and Public Benefit Organisations to create jobs, turn waste into money and create sustainable community solutions.
Smart Schools aim to be zero-waste environments, educate their learners and staff on the waste value chain, encourages projects to reduce waste entering the landfills, collaborate with local Community Based Organisations and Public Benefit Organisations to create jobs, turn waste into money and create sustainable community solutions.
Smart Schools aim to be zero-waste environments, educate their learners and staff on the waste value chain, encourages projects to reduce waste entering the landfills, collaborate with local Community Based Organisations and Public Benefit Organisations to create jobs, turn waste into money and create sustainable community solutions.